Top 5 Reasons Why Your Local Google Ad Lead Gen Campaign Is Failing

You're using Google Ads to drive leads for your local business and results have been... not very good. You see the campaign is generating clicks but you're not sure how many new customers you're actually getting from the campaign.

Maybe you're even tracking calls and form submissions, but you're just not sure the quality of these leads coming from Google Ads and therefore you're not sure what kind of return you're having on ad spend.

You're also not quite sure how you're supposed to improve the results you're getting from the campaign.

After managing Google Ads for local business owners now for 7+ years I run across similar problems that lead to poor results in your local Google Ad lead gen campaign.

  1. Not setting up conversion tracking on all entry points; only setting up conversion tracking on a landing page and not on the whole website. From my experience, as much as 30% of website visitors sent to a landing page will bounce and end up taking action on the main website. It's important to attribute these conversions to the ad campaign in order to get the bigger picture and properly optimize it.
  2. Not tracking offline sales conversions. That's right, a sale doesn't have to happen online to be able to track it as a conversion in your Google Ad Campaign. When you're only tracking leads as a conversion, many assumptions are made on how those leads are turning into sales. It's important to know for sure and you do this by setting up offline sales conversion tracking
  3. Not having clear CTAs on the website or having too many CTAs and distractions; you want to lead the visitor down a single path of action.
  4. Sales copy that is all "me, me, me". It's important to meet your audience where they're at, show you understand their painful situation, only then will they believe you have a proper solution for their painful situation. The business that understands their audience most wins.
  5. Websites that load slow. Page speed has a huge impact on conversions, here's a great infographic showing this impact, brought to you by Cloudflare:

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