Why the Google Ad Strength Rating Doesn’t Matter

Ever since Google Ads released their Ad Strength Rating for Dynamic Search Ads it’s been driving Google Ad Managers everywhere mad. Their clients end up going into their account to view the ads and maybe see their Ad Strength rating is “poor” and think “Oh no! My Google Ad Manager isn’t doing their job!”.

I’m here to say the Ad Strength Rating doesn’t mean jack. It’s a vanity metric or rating that has no bearing on how profitable your campaign will be.

Here’s an example of an ad that has a “poor” Ad Strength rating that is generating a lower cost per conversion than an ad with a higher Ad Strength rating. 

Ad with a "poor" Ad Strength outperforming another ad with a higher Ad Strength

This is not just a fluke either, I’ve seen multiple accounts like this where ad variations with “poor” or “average” Ad Strength rating are actually performing better than other ads with a higher Ad Strength.

It’s not always the case of course but enough so that I’ve completely stopped looking at the Ad Strength Rating and just focus on creating ad variations that I think will get us more clicks and more importantly more leads & sales.

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