Do You Need a SiteMap to Be Indexed By Google?
May 28, 2024
You have a brand new website and you can't wait to start getting traffic from Google. The first step is to set up a Google Search Console account for the website. Now you're wondering if you need to submit a sitemap to Google Search Console in order to get your new website in the Google Search Index or if you need to do anything?
You're not sure if your site even has a sitemap, so if it's possible to get indexed without a sitemap that would be ideal.
Fortunately, it is possible to get your new website indexed without submitting a sitemap to your Google Search Console.
All you need to do is copy and paste the URL you want indexed in Google into this field in your Google Search Console:

After you hit enter, you'll come to a page like this, which you'll then just click the "Request Indexing" button:

Once indexed, so long as you're posting new content regularly, the search engine spiders should return on their own to spider new content for indexing into the Google search results.