Is It a Good Idea to Restructure Your Google Ad Campaigns?

Jul 11, 2024

You've had your Google Ad Campaign(s) running for a while now and they're generating a decent cost per conversion. Maybe it's even a profitable cost per conversion.

You can't help but wonder if you'd see better results however if you were to restructure your campaigns and ad groups. You've read up a lot on how to structure campaigns and ad groups since you originally started with Google Ads and you definitely think it can be improved by a little restructuring.

You're just worried it'll make your results tank and you'll have no way to reverse course to minimize damage. Should you even risk it?

In my opinion, I'd only restructure your campaigns if your original setup is making it very difficult to manage or optimize. For example, I recently had a Google Ad client who had 8 campaigns with 50+ ad groups in each campaign. The setup was very convoluted and was essentially set up back when "single keyword ad groups" (i.e. SKAGs) were a popular way to set up campaigns. These days there's really no reason to ever have 50+ ad groups in a campaign.

This is a rare case however. If this doesn't describe your campaign setup and your current campaigns are generating a profitable cost per conversion & ROAS, I'd probably avoid making any major restructuring. There are a lot of optimizations you can make to a campaign to lower cost per conversion that don't involve a major restructuring.

If your campaign isn't converting well, then I suppose it wouldn't really hurt to do a restructuring of campaigns and ad groups. With that said, I still think there are a lot more optimizations you could try to the original campaign to increase results.

Minor restructuring of ad groups shouldn't be too big of a deal but it still might be worth running a Google Ad Experiment so you can easily revert course if the changes don't increase performance.

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