What’s a Good Google Ads Budget To Start a New Campaign With?

When starting a new Google Ad Campaign, one of the top questions many have is: What’s a good daily budget to start with? This greatly depends on how competitive the keywords are for your target industry. However, in general, without knowing your business or industry specifics, a good minimum daily budget is $20-30/day.

If you’re in a competitive space like law, dentistry, or insurance, you’ll need to determine the average cost per click (CPC) for your target keywords in your desired locations. You can do this using Google Ads’ Keyword Planner, a free tool available within your Google Ads account.

Once you know the average CPC for your target keywords in your locations, your daily budget should be at least 3-5 times that amount. For example, if the average CPC for your target keywords is $15, your daily budget should be at least $45, although more is always better. A higher budget will yield more clicks and potential conversions daily, allowing you to optimize your campaign faster to achieve your desired results.

Of course, there is a point where increasing your budget will no longer result in more clicks. This is because there is a finite number of searches for any given keyword in a specific location. This assumes you have already added all relevant keywords to your campaign.

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