Should You Send Google Ad Traffic to Blog Posts?

You have a blog and you wish you were getting more traffic to your blog posts so you can get more email opt-ins. Should you set up a Google Ad Campaign to drive traffic to your blog posts? It seems like most Google Ad Campaigns drive traffic to sales or lead generation pages. Is sending Google Ad traffic to a blog post a waste of money? Not necessarily.

Driving Google Ad traffic to blog posts has one big benefit out the gate; it can allow you to generate a fairly low cost per click since you'll typically get a higher clickthru rate on an ad promoting a blog post. A higher click-thru rate will gives you a higher Google Ad Quality Score, which means you pay less per click.

Whether those clicks will lead to more email opt-ins depends greatly on what it is you're offering to the visitor in exchange for their email address. Where you place your call to action also makes a big difference in conversions. Just putting your call to action at the bottom of the blog posts can generate OK results but it doesn't hurt to test out other options. You can try working your call to action into the blog content itself or by embedding an email opt-in form widget a 3rd of the way into the blog post.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if the blog post you're driving traffic to contains a lot of value, this could spur more word of mouth for your blog which overtime can have a net positive increasing the amount of organic traffic you get from others linking to your blog. This in turn can also have an impact on your organic search rankings and traffic.

In conclusion, it can be an effective strategy and you won't know how it'll work for your business unless you test it out.

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