Should You Hire Separate Ad Managers for Your Social and Search Ad Campaigns?

Dec 7, 2023

So you're looking to outsource your digital ad management and you're not sure what to look for.

You know you want to run social ads like Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Youtube, Twitter and maybe Linkedin or Pinterest. You also know you want run search ads on Google Search and Bing Search.

Obviously, you'd love if you could hire one person or agency to handle it all but will that give you the best end result?

I've managed my fair share of Facebook Ads and Google Ads over the past 6+ years. These days I only manage Google Ads however. What I've learned is social advertising and search advertising are very different from each other. It's quite a a lot for one person or one agency to master both platforms.

They're typically better at one or the other. I'm not saying it doesn't exist but I always recommend finding specialists for each type of ad campaign; social and search.

I started specializing in Google Ads because I saw I was consistently getting better results with search ads vs social ads like Facebook, for one reason or another. So it was natural for me to just start specializing in the platform that was getting my clients better results.

Even if you could find one freelancer or agency that can handle it all, you'll most likely to see better results hiring a specialist for each. At the end of the day, generating a higher ROAS is what is most important.

Also, when comparing agency vs solo-freelancer. I'd recommend the solo-freelancer since it gives you more control over the talent actually in charge of your campaigns. When you outsource it to an agency, they're more likely to just hire the cheapest talent they can get away with to do the work.

It's easier than ever to find solo-freelancers to help with your campaigns now thanks to the internet. Agencies may have once had a monopoly on all of the industries top talent but that's no longer the case.

If you're looking for a Google Ad specialist to help you increase conversions or maximize your campaign's ROAS, feel free to drop me a line.

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