Setting up Multiple 301 Redirects With Netlify
Dec 7, 2023
I've been hosting my Hexo blog with Netlify for the past 2 years. I have no major complaints with Netlify hosting, but recently I've decided to move my personal blog over to Webflow. I already have my main website built using Webflow so I just wanted to 'bring all under one roof' so to speak.I of course didn't want to lose my rankings I've acquired in the Google SERPs over the past 2 years.
This means setting up 301 redirects.Netlify has 2 ways to do this. You can use a file named _redirects.txt, placed in the 'publish directory' for the project. The other was by creating a file called netlify.toml and placing it in the root directory for the project.I first tried the _redirects.txt file without any luck. I must admit I'm not too knowledgeable of Hexo or static site generators in general. It had been 2 years since I had originally set up this blog and since then have done less coding and have been using git and terminal a lot less.
I then tried netlify.toml. This ended up being a lot simpler and worked right away. The documentation didn't really specify what to do if you had multiple URLs that you want to set up 301 redirects for in a single file but after some quick troubleshooting, I figured out that you need to repeat the [[redirects]] heading for each 301 redirect.You can view my netlify.toml file on Github to see how it should be formatted for multiple redirects.
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