Drip vs Convertkit: Which ESP should you use?

I recently made the switch to Convertkit (aff link) from Drip. I had been using Drip for a couple of years and they've served me well for the most part. I've mostly had a small email list and so their free tier with up to 100 subscribers was perfect.

Convertkit at the time didn't have a free tier and so I just stayed with Drip. Whenever I got close to my 100 subscriber limit I would clean up my list by deleting subscribers who haven't opened the past 10 emails I sent.

Fast forward to today, with my email list growing I have to decide whether I want to pay for a premium plan with Drip.

Fortunately, Convertkit has a free tier now that gives you basic functionality for up to 1,000 subscribers. You can't set up advanced automations but you can send broadcast emails.

I figure this is good enough for my business at this time since I don't have any automations set up yet.

I also really hate how hard Drip makes it to turn off double optin confirmation emails. I never was able to turn it off completely. I started noticing a lot of subscribers weren't confirming, which means the email probably went to their SPAM filter.

Many people won't bother to check it. This lead to quite a few people not making it to my email list.

Convertkit on the other hand makes it easy to turn off this double optin confirmation email, or 'incentive email' as they call it.

I've also been spending more time helping clients with Convertkit and so I'm now more familiar with the platform than I am with Drip. They're both similar ESPs but Convertkit is more set up for my needs as a freelancer and digital product creator.

They make it easier to create landing pages for any lead magnets you have and now you can create landing pages for any paid products you have with their Stripe integration.

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