Lesson 1

Setting Up Google Ads Offline Conversion Tracking The Easy Way

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Tracking Google Ad Offline Conversions can be challenging depending on your website, CRM and whether or not you’re even using a CRM. 

You have to figure out how to capture the gclid in form submission, call start times, using the right Google Sheet template, importing conversions into Google Ads, dealing with upload errors, etc.

It can be a hassle to say the least. 

Fortunately, I’ve discovered a little-known piece of software that has allowed me to easily set up offline conversion tracking for both form submission leads, call leads and even chat leads depending on the software you’re using for your website chat. 

This software is called WhatConverts. 

You just want to make sure you sign up for one of the following plans:

Step 1

After signing up, the first step is to install the WhatConverts script onto your website.

If you have Wordpress, WhatConverts has a plugin you can use too.

Step 2

Integrate WhatConverts with your Google Ads Account. WhatConverts has a pretty good walkthrough on how to do this here in their documentation.

The main thing you need to consider is what trigger type you’ll want to use. In other words, what do you want to trigger a Google Ad Conversion.

You can trigger a conversion when any lead comes into WhatConverts. Of course, this isn’t offline conversion tracking, this is just your regular type of conversion tracking.

The next 2 trigger types are for tracking offline conversions; “Sales Value Received or Added” and “Set as Quotable Lead”. 

“Sales value Received or Added” is for tracking offline sales as a Google Ad Conversion.

“Set as Quotable Lead” is for tracking marketing qualified leads (MQLs) as a Google Ad Conversion.

One thing to note is that even if you use “Set as Quotable Lead” as the trigger type, if you add sales value for leads that become a customer in WhatConverts, it will pass that value to your Google Ad Conversion to use for the conversion value. Because of this, I actually prefer using “Set as Quotable Lead” trigger type because it allows you to get more conversion data in Google Ads AND capture sales conversion values for any leads that do become a sale.

Step 3

Add the WhatConvert’s tracking template to your Google Ads Account, see this documentation.

Step 4

Set up WhatConvert call tracking numbers for your website. Obviously if you don’t have your phone number on your website you can skip this step.

Follow this documentation provided by WhatConverts. You’ll be creating what’s called a number pool with a minimum of 4 call tracking numbers. The more traffic your website receives the more phone numbers you’ll have in this pool. WhatConverts will essentially rotate through these numbers so multiple people can call without causing any misattribution.

Step 5

Set up a WhatConvert call tracking number for the Google Ad Call Asset, see this documentation. If it isn't clear, you'd use this call tracking number for your Google Ad Call Asset so you can track leads coming through the call asset.

Step 6

Set up a WhatConvert call tracking number for the Google Ad Location Asset, see this documentation. This is similar to step 5 but you'll add the call tracking number in the advanced settings of your Google Business Profile. WhatConverts documentation regarding this explains it all here.

Step 7

Track form submissions using WhatConverts, see this documentation.

Step 8

If you have a CRM you can sync it with WhatConverts as well. They have a native integration for Hubspot and Salesforce so if you’re using anything else you’ll have to sync using Zapier. It’s not necessary to have a CRM to use WhatConverts to track offline conversions but if you have a CRM where you’re already keeping track of which leads become customers etc. you can sync that data with WhatConverts.

Step 9

Now that everything is setup you can start your Google Ad Campaign. Assuming you’re not using a CRM, when leads start coming into your WhatConverts account you’ll simply mark which ones are qualified leads by marking them as “Quotable''. 

When you do this it will trigger a Google Ad Conversion. You can give them a quotable value too but this value is not passed to Google Ads to be used as the conversion value. 

Quotable value is just used in WhatConvert’s reporting so you know which traffic channels are generating higher quality leads. With that said, if the lead becomes a sale you can add a sales value to the lead’s profile in WhatConverts and this will be passed on to Google Ads and will be used as the conversion value.

If you only want to track offline sales conversions and not qualified leads then you would just make sure you choose the “Sales value Received or Added” trigger type in Step 2 when you connect your Google Ads Account with WhatConverts.

If you are using a CRM and you synced WhatConverts with your CRM, you won’t need to manually add a sales value in WhatConverts, leads will automatically be given a sales value in WhatConverts based on the data in your CRM.

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