The Best Google Ads Strategy for Ecommerce Shops With Hundreds of Products?

So you have an eCommerce shop with hundreds of products and you plan to use Google Ads to help generate more traffic and sales for your shop, but you're not exactly sure which campaign type to use or how to go about it.

There are really 2 main ways to go about this and they both warrant testing to see which works best for your situation.

Performance Max Smart Shopping Campaign

The plus side to this is you're able to advertise all of your products and set up is very simple. The downside is you hand over much of the control of your campaign to Google Ads automation algorithm. This means if you're not happy with the campaign's performance, there's very little you can do it improve the results.

This takes us to the next option...

Standard Google Ad Campaign

This could be either a standard Shopping Ad Campaign, Search Ad Campaign or both. I'd recommend staying away from Display or Video Ads if you're ad budget is limited.

The pros with this setup is you have a lot more control over the campaign, to reduce wasted ad spend, increase conversions and lower cost per conversion over time.

The downside is that setup and management are going to be more time-consuming than it is for the first option. Also, for those inexperienced with Google Ads, they're probably not going to know how to optimize the campaign properly to improve results.  So whether or not this option is worth it depends on the results you're getting, your experience level is, and what your business goals are.

Instead of advertising hundreds of products, you might also want to consider creating campaigns around your best sellers to start or campaigns built around a certain category of products in your shop.

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